E8: Leadership in Uncertain Times with Dan Jauernig, President & Chief Investment Officer at NCM Capital Inc.
"What's causing the pain points of your customers? And can you provide solutions to make their lives and jobs easier through any difficult times?" — Dan Jauernig
Whenever there's a difficult period, whether it's the Internet bubble in the early 2000s, the financial crisis in 2008, or COVID, companies have to figure out how to transition through that difficult period and come out the other side stronger. In this episode of the Sync Or Swim podcast, we discuss how to navigate a company or organization through uncertain times.
Dan Jauernig, President & Chief Investment Officer at NCM Capital Inc. and a member of the board at Rentsync.
What we talked about:
- Why he decided to take the CEO role at Classified Ventures in 2000
- What Dan learned as a CEO during tough times
- What key differences COVID holds over the financial crisis of 2008
- And what Dan would do differently if he could do it all over again
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Additional Resources
Meet Our Newest Board Member: Dan Jauernig
The Age Of Mass Intimacy: CEOs Share Secrets Of Connecting With Customers In A Digital World