Listing Score© by Rentsync: Attracting More Qualified Prospects to Your Rental Listings
Rental listings are an integral part of any successful multifamily marketing strategy, and therefore keeping up with best practices and trends that make your listings stand out, and attract qualified prospects is a top priority for anyone in the rental housing industry. But managing multiple listings and ensuring they are optimized for success is a tedious process, and knowing what content is really important takes significant data collection and analysis. We recognize those pain points, and we’re excited to announce that with the help of multifamily data experts, marketers, and developers we are able to offer a solution that makes creating high performing rental listings, that attract more qualified prospects, easier and more rewarding than anything else available on the market.
Introducing Listing Score© by Rentsync!
What is Listing Score?
Listing Score© is a performance indicator that measures the content, quality and completeness of your rental listings. Listings that provide more detailed information to the renter are more likely to perform better and attract more qualified prospects.
In our latest product update, Rentsync has launched its Listing Score feature, which is calculated on a per property basis, based on a proprietary content scoring system that reviews property and unit specific fields, and assigns points to each. They are then added together to produce your overall Listing Score. This score is used to inform you on the quality of your listing and will not be used anywhere outside the platform or shown to prospective tenants.
*It is important to note that your score is not calculated for disabled properties or disabled and unavailable units in Rentsync. This adds to the accuracy of the score.
What does improving your Listing Score do?
You can use your Listing Score to ensure that your listings will be shown on all rental listing sites, that your listings are well-optimized, and that you are maximizing your listing site marketing dollars. You can also use your Listing Score as an additional performance indicator, along with lead reporting, in order to gauge listing site marketing performance.
How do I improve my Listing Score?
You can improve your Listing Score by completing as many of the fields on your Property and Unit pages, which are indicated by a heartbeat icon. For amenities and media, you will also need to add a minimum number of records to improve your score.
When in doubt, put yourself in the renter’s shoes and consider what you would like to know about your home before deciding to live there. What would you like to know regarding the unit, the building, your value for money, and the surrounding community.
A quick walkthrough of Listing Score in the Rentsync Platform
In the Rentsync Platform you will have an overall listing score, which is calculated based on your property score and average unit score. Here’s how users can now expect to interact with Listing Score© in the platform:
Listing Score
On the global Listing Score© page you can view all your properties and their scores together. You can also filter this list and export it as well.
Switch to card view to view more details about each property. Click more details to see a quick view of how you can improve your score.
Property Score
You can find a preview of your listing scores on your property and units table.
On each property detail page you can view your listing score breakdown. You can then see your overall listing score, as well as the property score and the average unit score.
To improve your Listing Score, fill in property and unit fields that are indicated with a red heartbeat icon. You can hover over this icon to provide more information on what’s required in the corresponding field.
You will also find these icons on your media and amenities.
Average Unit Score
You can also view your individual unit listing score at each unit level. Similarly, like the property details page, “improve fields” are indicated with a red heartbeat icon.
You can navigate to the global listing score page to view all your properties and their scores together. We’ve also made it easy to filter this list and export it as well for your own reporting.
When you switch to card view, you’ll be able to view more details about each property. Click more details in order to see a quick view of how you can improve your score.
You can also view reporting on your Listing Score in the Reporting section of the Rentsync platform. We will be adding more Listing Score reporting metrics in the coming few weeks, stay tuned!
As always, if you have any feedback about Listing Score© or how it can be improved, be sure to let us know by clicking here on the feedback icon.
Ready to improve the performance of your rental listings? Try our new Listing Score feature now.
Listing Score© FAQ
Why am I asked to fill out fields that are not relevant/required for a rental listing?
While a majority of the fields included within the Listing Score are relevant to renters, not all are. The ancillary property and unit fields were included as a preamble to the advanced reporting Rentsync will be offering to users down the line. Users will be provided advanced reporting functionality if specific fields are complete, and they have achieved specific Listing Score thresholds.
These field completions will offer a more comprehensive view of a local market which will enable us to transform your data and provide you with better reporting regarding the performance of properties and potentially unique insights to improve client marketing moving forward.
These fields will not be made available publicly unless otherwise available within rental listing sites, and neither will they become required fields.
Why is the volume of my incoming leads not improving after increasing my Listing Score?
Sometimes there can be external factors at play like market trends. For example, if a particular market is currently undergoing a financial slowdown, attracting more leads is unlikely. However, the Listing Score is meant to help you put your best foot forward in the current circumstances.
The Listing Score ensures that regardless of the competitive climate a client finds themselves in, they have the best support available to them. This will ensure that only those prospects who are likely to rent are submitting inquiries.